Boycott russia app – Push companies to leave

(CZ version please find below)

EN introduction: Many people want to boycott, make personal sanctions or embargo for companies still staying in russia, reluctant to leave russian market. All is because of brutal terror war of russian state against Ukraine. Western companies still staying in there are making surprisingly important part of russian economy and also surprisingly important for russian terrorist leaders who tried to complicate leave of such companies.

Yale grading and new KSE grading – embargo for anti-russian sanctions thanks to mobile phone app for consumers

Therefore, for example successfull Yale scale grading index was created. It impacted a lot of companies. But there is still room to create more attention of EU/US and other consumers. Volunteers globally want to put more pressure on companies still staying in russia. Here comes application program – apps for iOS and Android. The best app which we (in Prague) are trying to also support comes from great Lviv (Ukraine) volunteer developers. It is called Push to leave and is continuously improved by the team:

PUSH TO LEAVE – link to developers page for iOS and Android DOWNLOAD

Update 11/2023: new release for iOS and Android – uses the most advanced Kyiv school of economics (KSE) database based on the information of their project on . New is also visualisation of companies relations, switch between default best KSE index and Yale + news page. Download link please find below. For update to new version if you have already older one installed, best is to delete the app and install again from App store/Google play:

Push to leave app screen

Installation of app is easy. Size of the download is under 10 MB. You can also support developers by leaving your rating in your app/google play store. There is also Facebook page of the project where you can find more information. There is also an article regarding story of Lviv developers of Push to leave app and Instagram.

Push to leave logo
Example of scanning in the shop – showing now updated “Relations” information regarding every company. After tapping to the company, more information is shown. Alternative is to search company or product by name.

How the iOS and Android boycott russia app works for scanning products in a shop

Ukrainian app Push to leave is bringing the simplicity of app together with strong, fair and reliable KSE and Yale scale indexes. App is available for both iOS – iPhones and Android phones. Search is possible by text: please write first 3 letters and press search to find if the company is in the database. Even easier is to scan barcode in shop and see if the manufacturer of your product is “red , yellow or green”. Grading of Yale / and similar is KSE:

  • Red grade F (companies not event pretending to leave russia, following sanctions in best case)
  • Red grade D (mostly companies with better PR, saying that they stop investments etc.)
  • Yellow grade C (partially leaving the market)
  • Green grade B (left russia)
  • Green grade A (left russia with no backdoors, completely).
  • App is also able to show russian products

Push to leave app is currently using open data from Dont fund war project who takes them from Yale team (this link is directing to article regarding Yale team, how it started). As was talked, now the app primarily uses latest KSE leave russia self-sanctions project thanks to great cooperation with Kyiv school of economics team. That is very probably the most comprehensive and updated database existing.

You can also support some necessary costs on Buy me a coffee page of the project. Developers invested a lot of their volunteer time and money and here we can support really small portion for server costs etc. just in case somebody wants. Truly great team. Big thanks and happy to know them.

Data sources of western companies in russian market covered by app – for personal embargo, sanctions, boycott

Several types of scans can happen – here we describe briefly how they are managed:

  • Companies in KSE/Yale lists – that is easiest, KSE/Yale have strong teams and app is following the data – if any inaccuracy is reported via app by users, the team reports back to creators
  • Companies outside Yale/KSE lists – these are published independently and any inaccuracy reported is either handled via local database or reporting to
  • Barcodes or companies missing – after scan which found no match, this barcode is recorded into database and team of volunteers is being created to process them and include into database

V češtině: Aplikace “Push to leave” pro bojkot firem, které naplno podnikají v Rusku. Vše na základě KSE i Yale hodnocení.

CZ Shrnutí: Aplikace Push to leave funguje na základě žebříčku americké Yale univerzity, která známkuje firmy podle následující stupnice a nejnověji podle ještě kvalitnější KSE stupnice Kyivské ekonomické školy:

Odchody firem z Ruska jsou velmi důležitou součástí tlaku na zastavení války – zahraniční investice tvořily až 40% ruské ekonomiky. Aplikaci vyvíjejí a udržují dobrovolničtí programátoři ze Lvova ve svém volném čase – je odzkoušená, stabilní a vyšla její nová verze. Dostupná je pro Android Google Play a také iOS iPhone Appstore – nově tedy používá férové KSE / Yale stupnice na základě konzultací českých a ukrajinských dobrovolníků. Aplikace je zdarma, je to něco na způsob české aplikace “Bez Andreje” – tentokrát ale dává zákazníkovi po skenování kódu rychlou informaci, jak se která firma chová na ruském trhu. Rozhodnutí je pak na zákazníkovi. Je také snadné upozornit na problém, nebo pomáhat nahrát nový kód.

Aktualizace 11/2023: nová verze pro iOS a Android – využívá nejpokročilejší databázi Kyivské ekonomické školy (KSE) na základě informací jejich projektu na Novinkou je také vizualizace vztahů firem, přepínání mezi výchozím nejlepším indexem KSE a škálou Yale + stránka novinek. Odkaz ke stažení naleznete níže. Pro aktualizaci na novou verzi, pokud máte starší nainstalovanou, je nejlepší aplikaci smazat a znovu nainstalovat z App Store/Google Play:


Hodnocení dle Yale / KSE používá podobné hodnocení:

  • F – znamená, že firma ani nezastavila investice v Rusku, podniká, jakoby se žádná strašlivá válka nekonala.
  • D – firmy, které zastavily investice na ruském trhu.
  • C – je pro firmy, které zastavily část svého podnikání v Rusku.
  • B – znamená kompletní odchod z Ruska s možností jakéhosi návratu.
  • A – pak znamená kompletní odchod, zřejmě bez možnosti jakéhokoliv návratu.

Základní odkazy Push to leave:

Existuje také nadšenecká Facebooková skupina “Aplikace Push to leave – česká fanskupina.”

Některé nezbytné náklady můžete podpořit také na stránce projektu Buy me a coffee. Vývojáři ze Lvova investovali spoustu svého dobrovolnického času a peněz a zde se dá podpořit opravdu malá část, jako některé náklady na provoz serveru atd. pro případ, že by někdo chtěl. Opravdu skvělý tým. Velké díky a jsme rádi, že je známe.

If you have any question, please contact us.