
Flashmob June 19th 2022 for the International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict – “I Could Be in Her Place!” #stopwarrapeUKR #ICouldBeInHerPlace

ONLINE EVENT LINK (event description below this picture): https://fb.me/e/4HwjPeLhI

Online event #ICouldBeInHerPlace by Women for Ukraine

More information from the online event #ICouldBeInHerPlace:

United Nations Declared International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict. June 19th marks the day the United Nations has set aside as the day we recognize and bring awareness to eliminating sexual violence in conflict. June 19th represents an important day as we must bring awareness to the use of brutal, rampant, and systematic sexual violence happening to Ukrainians at the hands of Russian soldiers. It is not enough to just protest! As much as we raise our voices for the survivors of rape in Ukraine, we must help with their treatment.

Nova Ukraine @novaukraine has opened a special fundraiser for Women Of Ukraine – Жінки для України and 100% of the proceeds go to the treatment of the survivors of rape in Ukraine via SEMA’s expertise in the physical, emotional, and psychological treatment of such survivors.We invite you to participate in the global online protest hosted by Women For Ukraine – Жінки для України @womenforukr, Polonijna Rada Kobiet+ (International Council of Polish Women+) @polonijnaradakobiet, SEMA Ukraine @SEMAUkraine, Łódzkie Dziewuchy Dziewuchom @lodzkiedziewuchy, Dziewuchy Berlin @DziewuchyBerlin, Dziewuchy Szwajcaria @DziewuchyCH, Virtual Feminist @VirtualFeminist, and Underdog Ukraine FB: https://www.facebook.com/underdogukraine

3 Ways to Participate in Our June 19th Online Protest:

1. Protesting at Home (2 Outfit Choices)

  • Dress up in the protest outfits worn by the Women For Ukraine – Жінки для України protestors for their May 28th global protest against the use of rape as a weapon of war in Ukraine (see link to protest outfit guide) and hold a sign (instructions for signs below).
  • Dress in Ukrainian colors, hold flags, show a supportive Ukrainian background of decor, etc. for your protest picture and/or video, and hold a sign (instructions for signs below)
  • Once you have your photo, constantly post them yourselves on all social media platforms on the day of the protest, including the hashtags #stopwarrapeUKR and #ICouldBeInHerPlace, along with the Nova Ukraine and Women For Ukraine – Жінки для України link to our fundraiser.
  • Within your sign, please add the movement’s hashtag, #stopwarrapeUKR. We are also introducing the hashtag #ICouldBeInHerPlace.

Please remember the hashtags are sensitive to upper & lowercase letters and should be written exactly as they are seen here. Send your pictures and/or videos to Women For Ukraine – Жінки для України @womenforukr.

2. Protest At Home Using Our Shared Google Drive of Protest Pictures and Videos

  • We have made a google drive link filled with pictures, videos, and artwork created especially for our online protest by Ukrainian artists (link below which will be updated daily with new pictures, videos, and artwork for your use).
  • We invite you to use it on the day of the protest should you not be able to take a picture of yourself! When posting the photos or videos, please remember to include the hashtags: #stopwarrapeUKR and #ICouldBeInHerPlace and the link to our Nova Ukraine fundraiser.
  • Please remember the hashtags are sensitive to upper & lowercase letters and should be written exactly as they are seen here

3. “Tagging” Picture Flashmob

Women for Ukraine / #ICouldBeInHerPlace #stopwarrapeUKR
Women for Ukraine logo