Global company Unilever is present in Russia. Company has around 6 500 employees there. This is still valid in end 2022. All this during brutal russian war against people in Ukraine. Please find below data regarding this company – as part of our #CompaniesInrussia campaign.
Relation of Unilever to russia: suspended all imports and exports of its products into and out of russia and stopping all media and advertising spend. Unilever will not invest any further capital into the country nor will get profit. But company is still producing, paying taxes in russia. Company is rated D by Yale index.

Links to company info regarding staying in Russia:
“We have suspended all imports and exports of our products into and out of Russia, and we will stop all media and advertising spend. We will not invest any further capital into the country nor will we profit from our presence in Russia. We will continue to supply our everyday essential food and hygiene products made in Russia to people in the country. We will keep this under close review.
Donations for Ukraine:
” We have also committed to donate €5m of essential Unilever products to the humanitarian relief effort.”
Unilever was accused of ‘taking the world for idiots’ by selling Magnum and Cornetto ice creams in Russia as ‘essential goods’. The consumer goods giant has not pulled products from the country, and is one of a few Western firms still trading there since February’s invasion of Ukraine.”
Leave-russia project link
We recommend this site run by Leave-russia project – at Kyiv KSE institute